Selasa, 05 Februari 2013

learning from mistakes

People say, people where wrong and forgotten. This statement is often heard. Whoever among us, however feel I have knowledge and mastery of knowledge is sufficient, it still can not be separated from error. Indeed, when people make the mistake was reasonable, just, can we ever be able to learn from those mistakes, take lessons from each of the steps wrong. This is a process that should be followed by the learner to get personalized character noble. Errors, indeed not to fear much less planned, the error is a valuable lesson in life.
In the course of daily life, we may often see the mistakes of others than to reflect on ourselves. Germs across oceans appear to be temporarily invisible gajak dipelupuk eyes. Such properties may still have. We are, so clearly see the errors of others. And our greatest temptation is to spread it to other people mistakes.
This is the temptation that often we neglect. We are so cool to talk about other people's mistakes, ulcers others. In fact, we believe it is fully open disgrace as well as your own scavenging. When we realize that there is a level of faith, certainly do not want to do it. However, sometimes the devil whispers dominance greater than the levels of our faith.
Today, I do not mean to blame anyone. Just wanted to invite us to look, and of course me personally about the phenomenon any mistakes done by every human being around us. Whether friends, relatives and neighbors. We may often hear the ugliness of others. From here, we then went along with the occasional pass, but the news was not necessarily the truth. It could be just a mere slander.
Honestly, I was a bit heavy to discuss this issue. Because, along admonishment. Apparently, I also still speak ill often spontaneous. Sometimes, even throw it obvious who it is, a person who made that mistake. Only, then the terbesit the heart, hopefully, after I write this, it will be a reminder to me to be more careful when speaking. And, this morning, let me continue. For anyone who has read this simple scratch, as I later found out the ugliness of the indulgence. Do not hesitate to remind me. With pleasure I received another recall effort is reminiscent of the goodness.
Next, let us learn together from an interesting story excerpts revealed by Ust Lili Nur Aulia in his book "This Way Preaching Teaches Us", about how we will prioritize to reflect on the mistakes made by our brother. As was asked of Hasan Al-Basri, "Who is to educate yourself to be good?" Hasan Al-Basri said, "Myself." "How so?" He asked her. He said, "If I see the good that other people do, I will do it. If I see the ugliness, I'm trying to stay away from that behavior. "
That's the best way we possibly can.
It's beautiful is not it. We can actually reap the lessons from the mistakes of others to be a learning experience for us. To improve the quality of humanitarian, faith and kemusliman us. Apparently, this problem is so simple, so trivial. But it was not easy for us to implement it in this life. Finally, I hope we can learn from every mistake there. Rather than indulge in it so forget about the momentum that the actual error that just made ourselves a reminder to not make the same mistake. Now, ask yourself in each of our hearts, try to be true to our conscience, more indulgence or a reflection of the existing errors.

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